Melbourne: street photos
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I would frequently return to Melbourne in the early 1980’s to photograph. I used to catch the overnight Overland train, or hitch hike between Adelaide and Melbourne. I travelled lightly, with just a Leica M4 rangefinder and some 35mm black and white film.

city strolling
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Most of the images in the Adelaide section of The Bowden Archives and Other Marginalia come from city strolling with a camera in the company of Fichte,  my cream coloured,  standard poodle.   City strolling is a translation of the French … Read More

not the most exciting place to live
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One way the boredom and dissatisfactions from living in Adelaide could be relieved was  through  gestures of rebellion and revolt. Another   was through  hanging out in the shopping precincts, arcades  and going shopping in Rundle Mall. Leisure time, freedom, and … Read More

keep calm and carry on
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There are now millions of photographers and billions of photographs around the globe,  and the accumulation of photographic images in the institutional and online archives  is staggering,  if not astounding. The aggressive and voracious appetite of the photographic eye accelerates … Read More

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