office girls, Bowden

The  Australian photographic context or reference point for the street work in the  Bowden project  is probably the  Candid Camera: Australian Photography 1950s-1970s exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia  in 2010. This  was  curated by Julie Robinson, the Art Gallery’s Senior Curator … Read More

Bowden girls

These are the girls  being left behind by the  process of deindustrialization that started in the 1970s in South Australia.The process of deindustrialization took place behind the recessions in the mid-1970s, the early 1980s and the early 1990s that destroyed much of … Read More

easy days in Bowden

Another image from  my wandering the streets in Bowden, Adelaide. On this occasion the picture was made  with a Leica M4. The  picture is an unfashionable  form of documentary photography, made when South Australia’s industrial decline was underway. Australian photographic history … Read More

78 Gibson Street

I’m currently  going through my   archives and see what is there. I spent all yesterday scanning selected  negatives from this series. This  picture of  the two children at 78 Gibson St  was a part of the Bowden series, which was  done … Read More

old Bowden, Adelaide

This  image was made whilst I was working on the 1980s  Bowden series. The image highlights the industrial nature of this inner suburb,  before its urban renewal and gentrification in the Ist decade of the 21st century.  Bowden has been greened up, … Read More


Another archival image from the incompleted Port Adelaide  project. The image of an edgeland is looking across an urbanscape that was routinely dismissed as swampland to the Adelaide hills from the Grand Trunkway. This  runs to Garden Island and the Torrens Power … Read More