Bowden’s residential architecture
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The residential architecture in industrial Bowden prior to its recent gentrification consisted of cheaply built working class cottages. They were dark inside, full of salt damp during the winter and hothouses in the summer.  This housing  had no insulation and … Read More

towards another photographic history
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In his essay ‘Australian Made’ in Each Wild Idea: Writing , Photography, History  (2000) Geoffrey Batchen  contests the view that  Australian photography after 1945  was a dependent shadow of trends in the United States. He says that  this assumption underpins … Read More

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I only made a few portraits of people in the city of Adelaide during the 1980s. One place was Valentino’s Restaurant in Gays Arcade, off Adelaide Arcade, near Twin Street.  My sister used to work there as a waitress whilst she … Read More

destroying the old, creating the new
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The late 198os and early 1990s in Adelaide was a period after the 1980s property boom and during ‘the recession we had to have’.  I was living alone and working long hours  tutoring and cleaning (early morning and evening) in … Read More

the “rust belt” state
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The deregulatory  financial reforms of the Hawke/Keating  government from 1983 that saw the globalisation of the Australian economy helped to advance the speculative boom that occurred in the late 1980s. In Adelaide, insurance companies, superannuation funds and government financial institutions … Read More

not the most exciting place to live
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One way the boredom and dissatisfactions from living in Adelaide could be relieved was  through  gestures of rebellion and revolt. Another   was through  hanging out in the shopping precincts, arcades  and going shopping in Rundle Mall. Leisure time, freedom, and … Read More

empty streets
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One of the most striking characteristics of  Adelaide’s  CBD  in the 1980s was the empty streets outside of the weekday’s  9-5  working hours. During the weekend the streets were more or less empty,  and apart from the tumbleweeds in Rundle … Read More

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The Bowden Archives and Other Marginalia  is constructed from my unruly 1980s photographic archives,  and  it primarily consists of photos that I made in  Adelaide during the 1980s; a decade that saw the melting away of all that was once … Read More

Adelaide in the 1980s
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The early 1980s in the anxious city of Adelaide saw the redevelopment of the Adelaide Railway Station precinct as a means to revitalise the city of Adelaide to address  South Australia’s  economic decline and  high unemployment. The redevelopment was part … Read More

warehouse, Bowden
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In the 1980s Bowden-Brompton  was a mixture of housing, factories, shops and small offices and warehouses. I was surprised by this mixture,  given that Bowden is less than 4 kilometres from Adelaide’s CBD and adjacent to the Adelaide Parklands.  It … Read More

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